Monday, December 30, 2013


Every once in a while, you get to hear about something refreshingly new. In between the Miley Cyrus and the Belibers influences there are some pretty good and new stuff.

So I’ve come across the name Haim for once or twice in the past few weeks. Once on the radio, and a couple more times on different music blogs and sites. So I knew they existed but that’s pretty much it.

The first thing you need to know is that you pronounce their name “Haim” just like “Time”. It’s actually their last name. We’re talking about three sisters of the Haim family. All born and raised in LA. Their father is a former Israeli, and as an Israeli myself I can tell you that Haim in Hebrew means life (just a little something for you… :)).

All three girls seems to be super talented. In music, studies and in general. The first born, Este Arielle was graduated from UCLA with ethnomusicology in just two years instead for the usual five. And all three girls are playing numerous musical instruments.

The band started out when the girls were still in high school. They used to play in local venues and events. At that time, all three were involved in different projects and the band was kind of a side gig.

Only around 2011 the girls of Haim decided to make Haim their main center of attention. The youngest sister Alana Mychal dropped out of college after only one year to join her sisters and the band took off by releasing their first EP “Forever” which was released in 2012.

When I first listened to Haim I heard the deep influence of Fleetwood Mac in their music. It’s not very easy to miss and you can find a lot of comments and review around the web comparing their sound the Fleetwood Mac sound.

The next strongest association with their sound is a kind of a 90’s sound. A bit hard to put the finger on the exact ingredient that makes that feel but it’s definitely there.

With video clips filmed in a happy and light atmosphere, and with their fresh new sound Haim brought something else to the 2013 musical scenery.

But, I have to admit something. I’m not a fan. The music is just a bit too light for my taste, it’s lacking the interest that I’m looking for when I’m looking for quality music, and it’s just a bit too simple to my taste. Too girly, too cheerful.

I can definitely see why they are so successful and can spot their crowed very easily. This is easy listening at its best.

Not my cup of tea, but a yet another success story of a musical family. I’m all up for these kind of stories.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Pussy Riot are Finally Free!

Earlier this weekend I finally heard some good news about the Russian band “pussy Riot”. After a year in jail, the girls are finally free.

Pussy Riot were originally formed in August 2011. The band included 11 girls that protested for LGTB rights and opposed to the Russian president Putin.

pussy riot

The method was quite simple, yet very provocative. The girls set up “guerrilla performances” in public places around Moscow. They performed and sang their provocative songs like “Kill the Sexist” and “Death to Prison, Freedom to Protests”. Later on, they would edit their performance and created video clips for fans to watch.

In March of 2012, three of the Pussy Riot band members Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Yekaterina Samutsevich were arrested and later convicted for “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred”. They were sentenced for two years in prison.

The arrest and conviction of the three girls for Pussy Riot attracted criticism and protest mainly from the west, but particularly form female artist like Madonna, Tory Amos etc. that called for the release of the girls, for human rights and for the freedom of speech in Russia.

pussy riot

This weekend, after a year in prison, all three girls were released from jail and are now free.
This is a story about music bravery, about feminism and about strength. It’s a story about believes and about protest.

In history, that is exactly how big revolutions starts - with just a few people believing for something and going through with it.

To me, the price the Pussy Riot girls paid is extremely heavy. The history tells us a lot about the Russian regime and it’s way of dealing with protesters, but during the Pussy Riot sentence I kept believing there would be a different end to all this.

pussy riot

Pussy Riot are true contemporary heroes. They helped spread a word. They helped raising a difficult subject to the Russian agenda and they paid with a year of their lives.

This is yet another case that shows the power of music, and it’s a story worth telling.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

2013 OST

2013 is just about to be over, and thinking about my year I can’t just ignore the artists and bands who made it for me.
This is no musical chart or yearly countdown, it’s just my yearly musical map, might even say – my 2013 soundtrack.

Miley Cyrus
It’s been a very busy year for Miley Cyrus, no doubt. She’s been through a lot, and done a lot, and wasn’t wearing a lot at all. I’m not sure whether I like her way or not, to be honest, but I sure respect her success. This year “Wrecking Ball” went completely ballistic. It may be due to her not wearing anything, or because she’s licking a hammer there, but after I listened to this song, reluctantly, for about fifty times I learned to really like it. It’s a great pop song, after all! And you just have to like her. Even if she doesn’t like her clothes…
miley cyrus 2013

She’s young, beautiful, talented and she amazes me. Might be the best break- through of 2013, and I’m so grateful for the people who discovered her for me. We need more like her! She sounds right, her songs are fresh and interesting, and she brings something so new and so special. It was defiantly a love form a first listen.

lorde 2013

Justin Timberlake
2013 started out not so well for Justin. At least this is how I see it. When “suit & tie” – the first single from “the 20/20 experience” came out I was really disappointed. Not just me, by the way, a lot of critics and reviews were a bit on the fence when it came to the choice of this single as a first one. Anyway, everything turned around when “Mirrors” came out and brought the old Justin that we love so much back to us. Or back to me J
justin timberlake 2013

Lana Del Rey
Oh. Lana. I’m having a long term relationship with that beauty. I fell in love with Lana back in 2012 with “Summertime Sadness” and those butterflies keeps on dancing in my stomach for over a year now! Lately, Del Rey released her new single “Young and Beautiful “which knocked me down completely and utterly! This has been a great year, for Lana, and for me, with Lana.

Lana del Rey 2013

Daft Punk
Back in 1997 I discovered Daft punk with “Around the World”. The beat was great and the video clip was even greater. At the beginning of 2013 I heard about the upcoming album of Daft Punk and I started to get excited. And it was so worth it! “Get Lucky” literally blew me away, and it still does every time I listen to it.
daft punk 2013

I never heard of passenger until this year. I really don’t know why. I first got to know “Let Her Go” by Facebook/Twitter shares my friends used, and since then it’s one of my most played songs on my playlist, especially in these winter days. I missed having those soft rock ballads around and now I have my own winter ballad to cuddle with.

passenger 2013

Ed Sheeran
The “A Team” was one of those songs, that when you listen to for the first time you think you've heard it before… sounds so pleasantly familiar.. I loved it from the beginning. Then came along “Lego House” and many more, and it seems I can’t get enough from the lovely Ed Sheeran.

Ed Sheeran 2013

The Lumineers
Hey Ho! Happy, light, fun and heart-warming. Just the right formula for a winning and long lasting hit. One of the best songs of 2013 by far (even if it originally came out in 2012, but still) kept listening to it all throughout this year and love every single time!
the lumineers 2013

So, that’s it. It’s time to say goodbye to the great 2013. It was a fabulous year for me. It really was. It was one of the most challenging, most inspiring and rewarding year of my life so far, and this music made it even better. All I have to wish for is for 2014 to be exactly like this, only better.

Marry Christmas and a very happy new year for us all!

Monday, December 2, 2013

2013- My Year in Music

2013 is almost over now and I sat down and went through what’s been going on in the music industry.

So these are the songs that made my year:

10. Katy Perry – Roar
“Roar” came out on August as Katy Perry new debut single from her album “Prism”. In this case, I heard a lot about the song before I even got the chance to listen to it due to massive buzz over it. I love the song, it was catchy and bouncy and it was a perfect fit for Katy Perry.

9. Will I Am – Scream and Shout 
Will I Am could not loose with this song. He knew exactly what to do and how to it, to create the perfect hit for 2013. The song came out, and was played twice an hour on every radio station in the world. The simplicity was the brilliancy of it all and almost a year after I can’t stop humming this song every once in a while.

8. Justin Timberlake – Mirrors
 I was really disappointed with the first single from Justin’s album “The 20\20 Experience”, “Suit & Tie”. When “Mirrors” came out, I forgot all about it, and fall back in love with the good old Justin which sings in a very distinctive style, exactly the way I like it.

7. Miley Cyrus –Wrecking Ball
You can say what you want about Miley’s clothes, hair and choices, but you can’t take away the fact that Wrecking Ball is an amazing song. I admit I was a bit stunned with shock when I first watched the video clip, but after I got adjusted I noticed that behind all those walls Miley’s trying to wreck, hides a really good song after all.

6. Robin Thicke – Blurred Lines
Talking about being stunned over a video clip…. The funny story is I loved this song and only later I watched to clip and saw what it was all about. So first of all, the clip is great, and sassy, and whatever, but this is a very cool song, with a cool beat and some cool girls too…

5. Taylor Swift – I Knew You Were Trouble
There’s something really great about Taylor Swift, she’s beautiful, she sings and writes, and she dates. A lot. But this year she also had a great hit to be proud of, and nothing could fit her more than this song.

4. Avicii – Wake Me Up
“Wake me up” made Avicii what he is today, and he’s huge!! The 19 year old boy went enormous with that great classic, and made our summer crazy and fun.

3. Passenger – Let Her Go
One of the best song of this year is “let her go”. A modern classic that touched hundreds of hearts across the world and is definitely here to stay.

2. Deft Punk – Get Lucky
It took a while for them to come back again but they've made it and in the best way there is. Daft Punk were the thing to talk about this year, with Numerous awards and shows this was definitely their year.

1. Lorde – Rolyals
The best song of the year, to me, comes from the best artist of the year, to me. Lorde is so young and so talented it’s a bit scary to think where she would be in two years’ time if this is the way she sounds today. And damn, she sounds good. “Royals” made my year by far!

So, that’s that for 2013. We had some pretty good stuff coming our way this year. I wish that next year would be as good as this one and may we listen to some great music forever.

Happy holidays and a happy new year to you all!!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Indie or Pop?

A few months ago I read an article saying that one of the reason we heard more indie music this year is due to the fact that pop music went bad.

I have to admit it made some sense to me.

Bands and artists like Lana Del Rey, The XX, Arctic monkey etc. where never a real a part of the mainstream musical scenery. Today you see those artist reaching top 10 at Billboard every week.
It’s easy to think of them as mainstream themselves, but the truth is their music is very different from what we used to hear before.

the xx

There are two ways to look at this situation. The first is to admit that lately we get exposed to a better, more sophisticated kind of music. The current offerings are more diverse, deep and meaningful. Young teenagers get to listen to different kind of music than what we might have been exposed to ourselves at that age.

But there’s another way to think about this. Have we ever thought what exactly made us look for that kind of music in the first place? The most popular artists we used to know, artists like Madonna, Britney Spears and many more used to rule the hit charts almost solely. Could it be that their delivery was not good enough we had to get up and look for something else?

arctic monkeys

Maybe this new indie tolerant situation is an end result of us trying to find something else to listen to? Maybe those well-known artists all sounds the same? Or maybe just not good enough?

It’s hard to put the finger on this course of change. I remember being a young teenager and see the same five artists rule the chats with two or more of their singles every single week. Now, those artists are still present in the charts but they have new competitors. Competitors that brings a whole new wave and fresh way to listen to music.

britney spears

2013 might not have been the greatest year for mainstream music artists and we see it clearly now when all music award events looking exactly the same. But, if this situation will expose us to newer more innovative music, I think we’ll be able to gain a lot from that.

Maybe these days aren’t the last days of pop music. Maybe, we are looking at the end of the distinctive term “Indie”. Maybe Indie music would turn into our new mainstream music.

Thinking about it this way, it’s the best news I’ve heard all year!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bound To Love?

It starts with wild horses running. Great feeling of freedom and beauty. The music is soothing...
Then it changes.

Two minutes later we get an extremely close visual of Kanye west and Kim Kardashian’s sexual relations. Too close a look.

It’s problematic in so many ways I can’t even think about!!!!

First, why? Why would anyone, no matter how extravagant, want to share something like this with the rest of the world? Putting your own wife naked for the world to see?! While moving in a very very, too explicit way with her… Why!?

I don’t have kids. But someday I will. And it would be extremely disturbing for me to think about them watching this. This, coming from a married couple, parents to a very little baby. A little baby that will grow to a world where mom and dad are showing way too much of their “love”!
kim kardashian and kanye west

The lyrics are also extremely disturbing. It’s very degrading to women wherever they are to listen to these kind of words. Kim Kardashian’s husband by law and the father of her baby sharing his love to her by saying: “I wanna f*** you hard on the sink, after that, give you something to drink”.

Is this the right way to speak to a woman!? Any woman, let alone your own wife!?! It’s so hard for me to think that this is what Kanye West considers as a love song!

Where are the days when man took the time and effort to write true and passionate love songs that were bound to melt hearts!?

I’m horrified and disgusted!

I guess it’s no wonder Kim Kardashian doesn’t know any better than this, and it’s also no wonder she didn't have that “talk” with her mom about how man should treat you.

Once upon a time there were real men. Those real men went through so much trouble winning their loved one’s hearts by giving them flowers and then rings, and later protecting their wives from the world, keeping them safe from disgrace and shame.

kim kardashian and kanye west video bound 2

The Kanye West\Kim Kardashian’s fairy tale ends a bit differently. The loving husband puts his topless wife on a motorcycle singing he wants to f*** her. Heroic!

It’s more than a race for money or fame. I know millions have watched this clip by now and millions will keep watching and talking about this. I know Kanye West got what he wanted, but what does it worth when you can’t even call yourself a real man?

I’m happy for Kanye and Kim being passionately in love the way the supposedly are, but sorry, I’m disgusted. And so should you.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Like a Rolling Stone - The video Clip

Yesterday a friend told me that Bob Dylan now has a new video clip for his song “Like a Rolling Stone”.

Apparently this song never had a video clip of its own, and now it has. She also told me that the video clip is unique because you can watch the clip in multiple channels.

bob dylan like a rolling stone

I have to admit I had no idea what she was talking about, let alone why it was so great. Deep down inside I knew I once heard about this Israeli project that created a platform where you can watch video clips with various options like different endings or characters.

Later on that day I watched the news and they also started talking about this project. They aired a few glimpses of the clip and it looked amazing.

I watched the video myself, zipped through the channels and was amazed
Now. Stop reading and watch this!!!
Bob Dylan - Like a Rolling Stone

So the story is quite simple. Two Israeli guys thought it’s a shame a classic and huge song like “Like a Rolling Stone” doesn't have a video clip. One of them was Yoni Bloch, an Israeli Musician\song writer that now lives in New York and Vania Heymann, an Israeli Director.

They decided to work on that song solely because it never had a proper video clip. Yoni Bloch has been working on his project “Interlude” in the past few years, which is made to create those kind of videos. Multiple options videos.

I have to admit that when a first heard about this project I was pretty skeptic. The idea was nice but how many videos like this can you watch?

Well, after watching Bob Dylan’s clip I say you can watch tons of videos like that because it’s so fun!

The greatness of this particular video is the accurate way it was made. Vania Heymann filmed 19 (!!!) different scenes, a news broadcast, a cooking show, an hip hop video clip, parts from known TV shows and many more including peices of Dylan's preformanc with "Like a Rolling Stone", all perfectly synced with the song’s lyrics. When you zip through the channels the zipping is very smooth, works perfectly well and there’s even a TV banner included just to make it feel more like your own TV.

This video clip in extremely innovative and it’s such a pleasure to see it come to life with a great song like “like a Rolling Stone”.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Long Lasting Hit

Know that feeling when you listen to a new song and it sounds familiar?

Well, that happened to me about a year ago. I was sitting at home with the radio on when something that I recognized but wasn’t sure about was starting to play. I found out it was Snow Patrol with Chasing Cars.
I didn’t know the name of the song, but I was convinced I heard about Snow patrol in the past, still – I wasn’t convinced. The video clip looked updated and new, and the radio kept playing that song again and again like it was a brand new single.

snow patrol chasing cars

Then, something weird happened.

I was watching some old episodes of Grey’s Anatomy season 2 (yeah, I know! It just took me a while to like it and now I can’t stop!), when suddenly Chasing Cars was playing in the back ground. Come to think about it – that episode was initially broadcasted in 2006! I was right! The song is not a new one after all.

The thing is, that song story in truly amazing. Chasing Cars was originally recorded in 2005, and was released in the UK in 2006. The timing was perfect. The song arrived to the music market right when legal downloading of music became popular. Chasing Cars became the bestselling single in the UK to this date!

At first the song had a first video clip version, but right after its appearance in Grey’s Anatomy the clip was edited and clips from the series was added to it. The new and secondary version of the clip failed to catch on so a new, third version was made. The third version of the clip is the one we know today.

The song hit the number 1 place on UK charts every year ever since solely based on its legal download sales! Every year from 2007 until 2013!

In 2013, the radio stations and MTV started playing the song massively. A song that appeared to be a brand new hit but actually is 6 years old.

Chasing Cars is a classic example of the modern classics. The crowed and the listeners voted that song to be that successful. Until this very day it’s the bestselling single of all times when talking about legal downloading.

That’s why that song is kept alive. That’s why I thought I knew it, because I did!

I think it’s a rare story of musical success and it’s something most artists today should aspire to. Being popular solely for the music. Grow from within the crowd’s love. Being a bestseller in terms of legal downloading and not just because some radio editor is in good terms with the record label, but because you’re worth loving, and paying for.

Chasing cars is a great song, an old and long lasting classic that is kept alive by its fans.

chasing cars snow patrol

Monday, November 11, 2013

Christmas Wishes

I can’t help it! Christmas is almost here and I can’t stop fantasize about my Christmas presents!
Let’s face it, I’m sure I’m not going to have any of the things below but no one said it’s wrong to dream.

So, let’s just say, I’d be happy if my Christmas socks contained these:

 The original Abby Road vinyl record
 One of my favorites, by far. I do own the CD version of this master piece, but I always wanted to the vinyl version as well. Because it looks good, because it’s the way it was meant to be and mainly because it really does sounds better. Which leads me straight to the second thing I would like to have.

abby road the Beatles

 An actual old fashioned record player
 Yes. The looks. The sound. These days you can’t feel, see or touch your music. Back in the good old record player days you had to actually make sure the needle is in the right place, that there are no scratches or dirt on the record etc. You had to work for your music and it was sure worth it!

record player

 Beats Earphones
 If I’m going to listen to my cool music, whether on my record player or my phone, I want to listen to it in style! So Beats are definitely the answer for my need. Its sounds awesome and also its a kind of a fashion statement.

beats earphones

 Gibson Guitar by Slash
 I know, I know, I’m old. Yes! I am a 90’s girls! Slash playing his guitar is still the coolest thing in the world for me, especially if it happens in front of church in the middle of the desert. In November. It doesn't matter if I don’t know how to play the guitar, it would just hang on my wall and I’d be happy with it! Okay?!

slash gibson guitar

 I can definitely say I’m a modest person if that’s all I really want for Christmas. I know that if you’re a music lover you’d know to appreciate these presents like me. So, I’m done fantasizing, let’s go decorate a tree or something.

 Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Holiday Playlist

Christmas is just around the corner!
It appears that the holidays are not good just for shopping, food, presents and drinks. It’s also the best time for cheerful, heartwarming music.

Luckily for us, many of the leading artists work hard to help us feel the Christmas spirit right about this time of the year and I thought it’ll be fun sharing a part of my favorite holiday season playlist here.

5. The Killers – Don’t Shoot Me Santa
 A fun, alternative and modern option to the genre lovers among us. This song includes no jingle bells but it sure will bring a smile to your face. And the video clip is really cool too!

4. Christina Perry – Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Christina Perry can definitely define herself as leading artist we would like to listen too in this very cozy time of the year. Her version of the classic “A Merry Little Christmas” is sweet, light, breezy and lovable.

3. U2 – Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
There are tons of covers and re-makes to this very classic song, but I have to admit, the U2 version is by far my favorite. Wonderful video clip, very different from other seasonal videos – all black and white, Bono at his best, looking gorgeous, sounds amazing, no wonder I listen to this song all year long.

2. Wham! – Last Christmas
A Christmas playlist can’t be full without this extremely classic song! It’s so good, we get to listen to it all year long on the radio. And right about now it’s one of the songs that get me right in the holiday spirit!

 1.  Mariah Carey – All I Want For Christmas Is You
And the winner is!
Mariah Carey owns this great timeless track that makes me feel right in December even if I get to listen to it in august. This is a fun, cozy and sweet song that will make everyone get right in the mood.

So! Get ready, download your favorite holiday music and surrender to the holiday spirit! :)

Merry Christmas!!!
merry christmas

Monday, November 4, 2013

YouTube Music Awards

The first YouTube Music Awards took place only yesterday. We were looking forward to this event, since it is the first time for this format to take place.

Today, we’re watching almost everything through YouTube. From cute little kittens stretching away, to our favorite artist’s new song and some other female artists riding wrecking balls.

I guess it was only a matter of time until someone would think YouTube is one of the most influencing tools we have to evaluate the mass opinion about music, and about every other thing for that matter. The concept was very “YouTube” like. Broadcasting live and streaming everything through YouTube, everyone watches for free and from every place in the world.

YouTube Music Awards

 So the idea was great. The execution wasn’t.

 Maybe it’s because it was the first time. Maybe YouTube wanted it to be so different than any other award ceremony we’ve seen so far. I don’t know. It sure was different. But in such a weird way! The chaos was everywhere. Jason Schwartzman and Reggie Watts with Halloween costumes, Schwartzman falling on the floor after asking some girls in the crowd to hold him for some reason for way to long. Big mess with the winner’s name envelope. No stage. Artist that have to make their way through the crowd just to say a few words, too few.

Jason Schwartzman and Reggie Watts

 Something wasn’t working. But then again, the idea was a good idea. VMA, Billboard, Grammy and every other ceremony is something that we all know, and they all have judges to choose the best artist or the best song.

 Here, in YouTube, we were the judges. We voted throughout the entire year, we chose what we liked and what influenced us the most. It may not be the most artistic choice, or the most obvious choice, just because it was the real, living and kicking choice. The numbers spoke for themselves.

 Let’s hope that next year’s YouTube music award would be a bit more organized, because the idea behind it is really great.

 Until then, here’s what we loved this year:

Breakthough of the Year - Mackelmore & Ryan Lewis

Response of the Year - Lindsey Stirling and Pentaztonix, "Radioactive"

Innovation of the Year - DeStorm, "See Me Standing"

YouTube Phenomenon - Taylor Swift - "I Knew You Were Trouble"

Video of the Year - Girl's Generation - "I Got A Boy"

Artist of the Year - Eminem - Epic Rap Battles Of History


Monday, October 28, 2013


Last night, Lou Reed died.

For many of us, this is a death of a legend that we, now, have to keep alive.

The man who broke all rules, the man brought taboos to the general discussion, the man who wasn't afraid of who he was, who inspired millions to be who they are, then and now.

I went through some websites this morning, which paid tribute to the great Lou Reed and his music. Every comment was about people having him as a rule model, as someone who helped them along the way.

I have to admit, I became acquainted with Lou Reed in the worst mainstreamy way there is. I was about 12 when “Perfect Day” came out in the new and remastered version by various artists. Back in those days MTV was my almost only source of music, and they played “Perfect Day” about twice an hour. I had no idea what the fuss was about, I had no idea who that person was. It was only later that I learned about the person who wrote the song, and what he was about.

That person, who grew up having every difficulty he could possibly have on the way of becoming who he really is, made it through in the most inspirational way.

Born in the 1940’s, as a bisexual, he went through electroconvulsive therapy. The man who became a symbol of sexual pluralism, grew out of a narrow minded cruel experience that was used on him in order to make him what he’s not. The only thing that he’s not.

lou reed

Then, with Velvet Underground, which only later became a clear institute of modern classics, he was the one never to surrender when his music was way ahead of time for the vast majority of the people. His music and his words.

There are only a few people in a specific course of time that can be called a ground breaking figures. Lou Reed was just that.

Faithful to himself, to the harsh truth of life, writing and singing about things people would much rather turn away from. That was his greatness.

Lou Reed On
I wonder if we’ll ever have another great persona like Reed to look up too. I wonder if there would be another artist who will write the words to thousands of people’s unspoken thoughts the way he did.
As I’m writing these words I’m listening to “take a walk on the wild side”. Admiring the words that set so many souls free inside the boundaries of their own skin.

Lou Reed on

Lou Reed, was a pioneer, a grown breaker, a fighter. It was no surprise to hear about him practicing Tai chi an hour before he passed away, just to feel better, to fight the sickness, to live another glorious moment.

Rest in Peace, Lou Reed. Your spirit will stay alive in our souls forever. 

Lou Reed

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Rihanna, Live?

So Rihanna came to Israel last week. This was the second time Rihanna performed live in Tel Aviv and everyone were talking about this for months!

50,000 people in the park, all waiting and exited to see Rihanna. I couldn’t make it, so I didn’t even buy a ticket, but around 4 pm they started talking about Rihanna landing here is Israel. The excitement was huge.

Well, I went to a few concerts in my life, some of them here in Israel, and almost always, the artist and his or hers entourage lands here the day before or even sooner –for sightseeing, for a bit of rest before the show, for putting the stage together, sound checks… stuff like that.

So Rihanna lending here about four hours before her own concert was a bit weird.
Then, they wrote she took a helicopter and went to swim and enjoy the Dead Sea. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great place, but… again, less than four hours before the show starts!?

Rihanna in dead sea

So, it was only expected that she was an hour late for her own show. 50,000 people stood in front of an empty stage and waited.

Then, apparently she decided not to sing live at all. She used playback throughout the entire show! I know! That is something a lot of artists do, but there are video clips of her dancing to her own playback and not even bothering holding the mic to her mouth!

And also, for some unknown reasons she went backstage every two songs for minute or two, only to go back on stage wearing the same dress, doing nothing different at all.

The crowed felt disappointed. I read about the fiasco at midnight that very night.

Now, people are trying to get together and sue the production company that produced the show. They are saying they feel Rihanna disrespected her audience here in Israel, that she never intended to have a full show, therefore had the time to go swimming before the show.

I don’t know. When you’re the biggest music star in the world right now you can’t afford being disrespectful to this amount of people. I don’t want to get to ugly places of political and racial opinions, and I don’t think this is the case here either, but it does seem weird.

Rihanna live in Tel Aviv

The show in Israel was a definite part of this current tour, it was planned for about a year, and it couldn't just not work out for Rihanna.

Rihanna would keep on being one of the most popular artists here in Israel, and I’m sure the radio stations will keep on playing her beautiful songs, but I’m also pretty sure next time around there wouldn't be 50,000 people buying her concert tickets.

Rihanna’s got it all, she’s beautiful, she sings well, she has great songs and a great show. But maybe, just maybe, she lost something along the way. The dignity and respect to other people’s time, money and feelings.

You can call it being a Diva. I call it being rude.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A music Artist Meets a Music Icon

Growing up in Israel, I really liked listening to a singer called Aviv Geffen. Back in the 90’s Geffen was the most influential, ground breaking figure in the Israeli cultural view.

Starting his career at 16, he used to wear heavy makeup, lying on the stage floor and go against the Israeli political policy and the mandatory army service. we all liked him. As teenagers not only he was our voice calling for a change, he was also insanely talented.
Writing his own lyrics, composing his own melodies – Geffen brought something so fresh and so unique you couldn't ignore him.

The years went by, and Geffen talent got better and bigger. Israel, obviously was not enough.

In the early 2000’s I was in high school looking for some new, refreshing music to listen to.
Unlike other teenage girls, things like Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera wasn't very interesting for me. I had a new favorite band – the progressive rock band – Porcupine Tree.

porcupine tree steven wilson on

Up until this very day, I’m amazed by that band. The music is so sophisticated, intelligent and mind stimulating.
Porcupine Tree’s leader – The almighty Steven Wilson brought that sophisticated sound, the tranquilizing voice, the meaningful lyrics.
And then a miracle happened. My two favorite singers Geffen and Wilson found each other and created Blackfield.

I, a young girl in her very early twenties, acknowledged the fact that her local music hero is now cooperating with her international music rock star.

The result was stunning. Blackfield sounded just like I dreamed it would.
 Porcupine tree meets the Israeli Aviv Geffen. Those insane melodies, with that recognized feeling back from home.

Wilson moved to Tel Aviv to work closely with Geffen. The band took off, started preforming in London and across Europe.

Blackfield on

It’s been a decade of creation for Blackfield and only recently they released their latest album.
My appreciation for Geffen grow even bigger along the years. Now, not only an Israeli music icon but an international famous and appreciated artist.

During the past few year I grew a bit apart from the progressive musical genre, but just recently someone reminded me of Blackfield again.

Listening to the tunes of that band takes me straight to where I was when I was falling for them in the first place.

Blackfield to me is the prefect music fairy tale. A music artist meets a music icon. The rest is history.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I Found Something New!

Something really nice happened to me this week. I saw an article somewhere about a new artist called Lorde that I knew nothing about. A few days later, YouTube suggested me some new and popular videos. One of them was Lorde’s song – Royals. Knowing that someone had already written about that girl, I was curios. I started playing the video and really liked everything about that girl that I knew nothing about. Then, I found out I’m watching a 17 year old girl!
Lorde royals
How can a 17 year old be as talented as this?!!? She looks amazing! She sounds amazing! And! She’s writing her own music! Today, in the “Miley Cyrus” era, this is incredibly unusual. I kept listening to a few of her other tracks and kept on being excited about my new discovery. I do have to admit Royals is by far her best single yet, but with that amount of talent she’s going to be huge!
lorde on Qtrax
It also appeared that Lorde is around for quite a while without me even noticing which is really weird for me, but then again, better late than never. One thing I learned from this encounter with a new favorite artist – try to take YouTube suggestions a little more seriously next time even if it has a weird agenda of showing me thousands of cats jumping in and out of boxes. (not that I have anything against cats)

Anyway, now that I know of her, I’ll keep track of her and I’m so sure this girl is going to hand us with some pretty good things to listen to in the future. So if, like me, you’re reading this without any clue who that girl is, do yourself a favor. Listen to Lorde. A true story of a new found glory for young beautiful teenage singers that keep their clothes on and music alive.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oh, Miley...

I've been talking about Miley Cyrus here a few weeks ago without even knowing what's about to happen!
Yeah! I, too, was thinking Miley Cyrus went completely overboard with her nudity/provocative acting, and apparently, I wasn't the only one thinking that.

In case some of you missed the drama of last weekend, here's what happened.
Miley Cyrus released her new video clip for the single "Wrecking Ball". In the clip, she's licking hammers, sitting completely naked on a swinging wrecking ball, takes her tongue out (the way she knows how), and basically being provocative in a very uncomfortable way to the viewers.
Let's just say, that if I had kids, I would be extremely uncomfortable knowing they watched it.

And I wasn't the only one.

Remember Sinead O'Connor?
A few things happened to her in the past twenty years since she had the clip "Nothing Compares to You". Getting closer to god was one of the things.
Getting mentally sick was the other.
"Wrecking Ball" was supposed to be a tribute to the classic "Nothing Compares to You" clip, and I guess Sinead O'Connor didn't really like it.
Miley cyrus's facebook status

At first, Sinead O'Connor sent a very touching letter to miss Cyrus via Facebook. A very caring, worried letter about the entertainment industry,
it's interests and the bad things she knows Miley Cyrus is going through. She advised Miley Cyrus to stop letting her managers and consultants get her un-dressed.
she talked about the long term damages her provocations might put her through.

I read that letter. It was a very sincere letter. A very motherly advice. It really seems that she meant no harm.

I don't know what went through Miley Cyrus's head when reading this letter, but I can only imagine that a person that goes through what she's going through needs to find he's own justifications
to keep on going that path. those justifications were what made her come to the smart decision to respond to Sinead O'Connor's letter by insulting her publicly on Facebook. She found and re-posted Sinead O'Connor's statuses
From two years ago, while being under a nerve meltdown. cruel.
miley cyrus  and sinead oc'onnor

Sinead O’Conner was insulted and threatened to sue her.

 So the girl who was once the adorable Hanna Montana (which, by the way, only recently Cyrus have declared was murdered. because it makes sense), is now a provocative, wild and unleashed naked superstar. Yup!
Kids grew up with her, and now they can watch her swing naked. What a classic lady.

I hear a lot of people ask what's the difference between Miley and Madonna. there is a difference. A huge one actually.
Madonna was groundbreaking. She swept her crowd after her with her provocations that included leather suits, and a white wedding dress on a virgin. That’s who she was. Who she still is.
Miley Cyrus was a children figure, a Disney child, a doll. The change was too extreme and too harsh.
Everyone has to grow up at some point. Not everyone who grows up becomes a prostitute.
Someone should tell Miley Cyrus the world is a better place than what she thinks.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Justin Experience

We’ve heard quit a lot about Justin Timberlake’s new album “the 20\20 experience” over the last few months.

 At first, every blog and music site talked about how incredible this album is, how talented Justin Timberlake is, what a masterpiece etc. Then the first single came out – “suit and tie” and everything became totally different. People started commenting and talking about how bad this song is, how incredibly wrong that went. If you ask me, I totally agree that Justin Timberlake might have chosen the wrong single to come out with.
 Later on, another single named “mirrors” came out, which was much better. The critics called it “the best song of the 2013” and got a bit carried away with the compliments, but the song is good, even if it reminds “cry me a river” a bit.

the justin timberlake experience

 Why am I telling you all this?

 Because I really like Justin Timberlake. I do. I’ve liked him ever since he was that cute boy from N’ Sync, I’ve liked him through that awful Britney Spears breakup, I too, thought he was too good for her… and I still do.  I thought Justin Timberlake’s first solo album “Justified” was a true classic right from the beginning, and “cry me a river” and “what comes around... Goes around” are still some of my favorite songs.
When I heard Justin Timberlake is coming back with a new album I was really excited, and really happy to know the music industry already likes it… but the truth was, I too got disappointed. Justin Timberlake’s “Suit and tie” is one of the worst songs I’ve heard this year! To be honest, it took me quite a while to like “mirrors” too… Justin Timberlake has a very distinct style. That interesting, ground breaking style was what made him such a big hit in 2004. That exact style is what made “the 20/20 experience” less good. You get to know artists throw-out entire decades, and they evolve, they get older, you get to grow older and to evolve with them.
 I think the evolution of Justin Timberlake has yet to happen. That’s why it’s hard for the fans to accept the latest album. I know that I’ll be there the next time Justin Timberlake releases an album, because I believe that he will evolve… and I still wish we can grow old together... ;-)

Monday, September 9, 2013

High School Soundtracks

So, September just started and that means pretty much the same thing in almost every place around the world – school’s back!

Fortunately for me, I’m going back to school myself this year, and a second before everything starts again I’m taking a moment and reminiscing on my all-time favorite soundtracks of school movies.

So… my first and ultimate all-time favorite school movie is… The Breakfast Club!!

I think I've watched it for like 26 times by now… I still don’t know what I like more about this movie… the rebellious spirit, dancing in the library or just looking at Molly Ringwald…
Anyway, this awesome motion picture includes this wicked song by Simple minds – Don’t you (forget about me).

breakfast club school soundtrack

Second runner up, is of course… Ferris Bueller’s Day off! The movie about the naughty high school boy who decided to take the day off… and also the car… with a few friends. Again, an 80’s masterpiece equipped with one huge hit by The Smiths – “Please, please, please let me get what I want”.
This great song also became a part of the movie “pretty in pink”, another high school all –time classic, with my beloved Molly Ringwald.

ferris buellers day off high school soundtrack

And while talking about high school experiences we just can’t forget about American Pie! Maybe the biggest classical of the 90’s! With huge actors like Jason Biggs and Natasha Lion and big punk hits like the beautiful song by Hole “Celebrity Skin”

american pie high school soundtrack

Happy going back to school, everybody!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My Thoughts on Katy..

Katy Perry’s back with a new single!

Katy Perry’s “Roar” is out for only three weeks and is already second at billboard charts for two weeks.

I really like that girl. Her first single “I kissed a girl” was really good, with girly fun vibes and feel.
Ever since then, Katy Perry keeps on going, and she’s doing it right with almost every single. Not a lot of people know that Katy Perry was born and raised as a devout Christian.
Her parents never allowed her to listen to pop music, and the only thing she was exposed to is gospel music.
Katy Perry is actually Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson’s stage name. Her debut album wasn’t even a pop music album – it was a gospel album by Katy Hudson.
Only later, in 2007, the Katy Perry we know came to prominence in her stage name and with a brand new pop album.

my thoughts about katy perry

Knowing Katy Perry’s history makes you adore her a little bit more.
Imagine not being aware of the entire pop industry for the majority of your life and only at the age of 24, become a pop superstar.

Katy Perry’s personal life is full with romantic dramas, relationships and breakups, marriage and one very ugly divorce story.
Again, to me, Katy Perry came a long way from being that little Christian girl to where she is now and how she manage her life.

I guess I takes a lot of courage, ambition and tons of talent to make it the way Katy Perry did in the pop industry with her background.

and cover our young kid’s eyes. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

We Need To Talk About Miley

Ok. Let’s talk about Miley Cyrus.

Up until yesterday, whenever someone said the name “Miley Cyrus” I instantly thought about Hanna Montana. She’s the little girl that sing and dance with the Disney logo behind her, right?

Well, I’m not so sure Disney ever thought Miley Cyrus would perform wearing almost nothing, touching her and Robin Thicke’s crotch in this year’s VMAs.

we need to talk about miley

It’s not that I’m a prude thinking that the little girl Miley Cyrus once was, should stay the same forever. I used to admire Madonna for her courage and rebellious way when she got on stage wearing white wedding dress that covers nothing. This is the same thing. A bold girl trying to break free from her childish image.
Growing up is a natural thing and Miley Cyrus should behave differently from how she behaved when she was thirteen. Even so, there are many ways to show adulthood that doesn't involve getting almost naked on stage, making horrible gestures to the camera, when young fans are watching.

I guess that being a superstar today doesn't work very well when you’re fully dressed. Britney Spears was once a victim of that problem. From being the eternal virgin she transformed herself into being a sex symbol. It worked so well for her. She even got to keep her sanity…

 Miley Cyrus started walking a new path, the adulthood path. For us that means working to support yourself and paying your bills. For Miley Cyrus, who've been working her entire life and made a lot of money, being adult means getting undressed. The only thing that is left for us is to hope for the best for the new and adult Miley Cyrus and cover our young kid’s eyes.